Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Back home in Orange, California. What a wonderful sky! Amazing! Beautiful! God paints such beauty all around us! #thankyoujesus #adonai #holyspirit #travelspiritually #eleloheim #yahweh #travellocal #orangecalifornia #orangeca #cityoforange #california #orangecountycalifornia #outplanettravel

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My gorgeous wife @delifefull_ with me after a small adventure scampering over a log jam and wading through waste deep cold water in the Oneonta Slot Canyon yesterday to see the Oneonta Falls about 30 minutes drive East from Portland. #oneontagorge #oneonta #oneonta #oregon #delifeful #familytrip #travel #outplanettravel

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I'm not one for posting selfies per se, but I thought the lense flare was pretty cool. I took this at the Rose Gardens in Portland Oregon's Washington Park. #nofilter #travel #portland #portlandoregon #washingtonpark #outplanettravel

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Oneonta Falls, in the Oneonta Slot Canyon, Colombia River Gorge, Oregon, East of Portland Oregon. #oneontagorge #oneontaslotcanyon #obeonraslot #oneontafalls #oneonta #colombiarivergorge #colombiariver #waterfall #slotcanyon #oregon #travelspiritually #findbeauty #findpeace #thankyoujesus #adonai #eleloheim #yahweh #holyspirit #outplanettravel

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Lights in Portland, OR. #nofilter #abstract #portlandoregon #oregon #portland #travel #outplanettravel

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